10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

(Philippians 2:10-11 ESV)

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I'm so glad you stopped by. Feel free to bookmark this page as it will be the home of my online Bible teaching ministry. This site, like me, is a work-in-progress and continually under construction.

Many thanks to the friends who have encouraged me to give in and establish this space. I have gone back and forth about building a site to house resources and teaching related to my Biblical studies for years. For the past seven odd years I have been a familiar contributor ministering at UNSEALED.ORG, which is where I have published the bulk of my work in eschatology and general Bible studies. Over time it became clear that although theirs is a great website and the gathering place of a lot of very special people; a dedicated space to house and organize my research was in order. Hopefully my work here will add to what Gary and company are offering, and the greater Christian community, and help spur individual and group exploration into prophecy and other Bible topics.

It's my most sincere hope and desire that this site, and that which is humbly offered here, not only glorifies God, but is a blessing to you. So, here it is! A website dedicated to asking BIG questions, meditating on the Word and listening for answers. A faith journey begun with a single step; rooted in prayer, waiting on the voice of the One who freely gives wisdom to those who faithfully ask and humbly receive. No matter how you found your way here, I believe it's with purpose and by design. May that purpose yield an interest piqued and an insatiable hunger for an intimate and vibrant relationship with the Living GOD Himself.

He is the LORD, Adonai, HaShem.

...the Great I AM and Name above all names,


Grace and peace to you,      

Pastor Rich


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Updated: January 21, 2024